Radiation Effects Experts
Alan Aerospace LLC designs reliable systems for the harsh space environment and provides consulting and training services. Our custom services include space systems engineering, radiation effects engineering, and training. We advise aerospace and defense clients on system design trades, strategic planning, proposal submissions, independent reviews, white papers, and feasibility studies. Clients benefit from our extensive industry knowledge. Alan has mentored numerous individuals and teams for a variety of clients and understands the challenges teams face in developing their up-and-coming talent. We are available to share our expertise in space systems and radiation effects with your team.
Radiation Testing
- SEE Testing
- Heavy ion, proton, neutron, and laser
- SEE failure modes assessment
- SEE rate calculations
- TID Testing
- Co-60
- Statistically calculations of parameter adjusted means for TID and TNID/DDD
- TNID/DDD Testing
- Proton or neutron
- Non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL) calculations
- Statistically calculations of parameter adjusted means for TID and TNID/DDD
- PDR Testing
- Transient Radiation Effect on Electronics (TREE)
- Flash x-ray and LINACs
Turn Key Testing Services
- Turn Key Testing Services
- Test facility booking and contracting
- Complete test tracking, data analysis, and test reports
- Test plan writing and test readiness reviews
- Radiation Lot Acceptance Testing (RLAT)/Radiation Verification Test (RVT) evaluations
- Ad hoc team test support
Part Types
- Microprocessor
- SoC
- DDR3/DDR4 memory
- NAND Flash
Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) Programs
- Tailored RHA process including definition and scope planning
- Define and create RHA programs and process
- Training and mentorship in radiation effects
- Risk mitigation and reduction strategies
Radiation Effects Systems Engineering
- Availability budgets
- Reliability analysis
- Worst Case Analysis
- Failure Detection Intervention and Recovery (FDIR) system definition and implementation
Environment Definition
- Environment Definition
- Radiation environment calculation from mission concept of operations
- Nominal and worst case SEE from solar particle events (SPE)
- Dose depth curves for TID and TNID/DDD
- Calculate the trapped proton and electron environments, galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), and worst case SPE
Radiation Requirements
- Requirement definition from mission systems to individual components
- Tailored semiconductor component requirements to meet your mission reliability and cost
- Derating guidelines for safe operation and reliability
- Emphasis on defining requirement commensurate with your program’s risk posture
Part Evaluation
- Part recommendations for power, RF, and digital processing
- Radiation data discovery and test needs assessments
- Technology assessments for new state-of-the-art technologies like systems-on-chip (SoCs), multi-core microprocessors, and FPGAs
Single Event Effects (SEE) Assessment
- SEE assessments for parts, circuits, units, and systems
- Availability and outage rates calculations for specific environments
- SEE mitigation strategies
- Alan D. Tipton, Ph.D., is the founder of Alan Aerospace with 17+ years of experience creating space systems
- Globally-recognized subject matter expert (SME) of radiation effects on electronics and their consequences in complex systems
- Experience in radiation hardening and mitigation
- Proven track record qualifying systems and components for the space environment
- Seasoned space systems engineer experienced in size, weight, power, and cost optimization